Our clinical success rate, excellent patient and dentist
experiences are testament to our Clinical Excellence and Quality Care
Referring Dentist Experience
I am extremely confident in referring any endodontic cases that I feel are outside my scope or even if I feel able to do a good job, I am honest with the patient and say if you want the best result, go to Imran. They often take up my recommendation to see you for care rather than go down any other route or option I have discussed with them. Advice from Imran is always detailed, yet understandable and he keeps me well informed so that I am able to complete the restorative process in the best interest of the patient in order to ensure the perfectly executed root canal treatment is protected completely with a good seal.
Even if I am unsure, Imran is always at the end of the phone or happy to respond (in very helpful detail) to an email. Nothing is ever too much. Makes the patient's journey so much smoother and they feel well looked after, whist I feel confident that we are providing the best care for them based on Imran’s help, advice and recommendation. Second opinions are always welcomed by Imran and he gives a detailed and thorough response, but not one that is too technical or difficult to understand from a non-specialist point of view. The advice is great and always so helpful. It is evident that Imran wants us as a team to provide the best care with the most predictable outcome for each and everyone of our patient’s.
Feedback from patient’s is always very positive. They thank me for my recommendation to see Imran and always agree with my description of the fact he is ‘simply brilliant’. I have not once had a complaint or even negative comment upon return to my care. Patient’s come back happy, pain free and ready to complete their journey by having their onlay or crown restoration placed. In a word..... unquestionably, without a doubt what I say to every one of my patient’s who is considering root canal treatment is, ‘if it were my tooth I would see Imran’. This is usually enough to show them my trust and recommendation so they gladly agree to the referral.
Dr SuZie Boulos
I feel very confident referring my patients for endodontic treatments. The patients are always very impressed and speak highly of their experience. A follow up letter is always received which is much appreciated and very professional. I would definitely recommend this service to family and colleagues.
Dr Amy Jenkins
Since I’ve been referring cases to you over the past few years your help and advice have been excellent. I am very confident in referring complex cases for your service. I appreciate that you also prepare post spaces in teeth which I have referred to you for endodontic treatment. The patient’s on their return to me have always been happy with their care and treatment. I have also been able to contact you direct on the telephone and your advice has been very valuable to me. I would also be very happy to recommend your endodontic service to friends and colleagues. If I personally needed endodontic treatment in the future I would certainly come and see you.
Dr Gwyn Thomas
I am extremely confident in referring to Imran and extremely happy with the quality of care for our patients. He gives clear advice and good communication regarding complex restorative cases as well as courtesy calls when the need arises to discuss and ensure no ambiguity. He gives outstanding advice and second opinions for patients and dentists. Patient’s trust Imran completely and give very positive feedback which is encouraging for the referrer. All our practices and practitioners refer to Imran, patients will only see him. Therein lies proof in how highly we would recommend him.
Dr Dharmesh Barot
All patients I refer are seen promptly. I am always kept in the loop about Imran’s findings following the consultation and details of the treatment carried out. Patient’s always return singing Imran’s praises about how professional he is and what a fantastic working relationship he has with his nurse. On top of all of this he is always willing to help with a second opinion and is a very supportive colleague.
Dr Marina Daoud
I have referred over 30 cases to Dr Imran Azam. Every patient who has seen him has only come back with admiration for the care they received. He is very a well structured, ethical and genuine practitioner, giving honest feedback and performing clinical endodontics to the highest level. His chair side manner has led to many a patient returning with positive experiences. Imran is also very helpful if in need for a second opinion, pain consultation or diagnosis confirmation. Thanks to Imran, I have been able to provide by my patients with the best clinical dentistry has to offer.

Dr Loven Ganeswaran
I would be very confident in referring all types of endodontic cases. Imran has been very helpful in the past with expert advice regarding unusual and tricky cases. Patient’s feedback has always been very positive. I would definitely recommend Imran as an endodontist to friends and colleagues.
Dr Liezel Oberholzer
If you would like your patients to benefit from our Clinical Excellence and Quality Care, please contact us on 01276 780008 OR click the button below
First of all thanks for seeing my patients who have always come back with positive feedback and complete satisfaction towards their treatment. I am very confident in referring complex endodontic cases. Very helpful and informative advice is always received upon completion of the endodontic treatment. Very helpful in providing second opinions and advice. I would highly recommend your endodontic service and have done so in the past to a friend’s and colleagues alike.
Dr Jasbir Labana
We have referred many patients to Imran’s care and have been extremely impressed with the treatment carried out. He has been pleasure for our clinicians to work closely with in providing quality care for our patients. Overall, all our patients have been immensely pleased with their treatment, Imran’s chair-side manner and the care received. Imran is our only referring endodontic specialist for both of our practices.
Emma Adair
Overall I am very happy with the service provided by Imran. Patients are seen promptly and the results after treatment have been excellent. Patient’s feedback has also been very positive. This is why I am very confident in referring complex cases to Imran. Due to these reasons I have highly recommended Imran to friends and colleagues.
Dr Heena Chaudhry
An excellent service from you and your staff. I will always be happy to refer endodontic cases to your good-self. Primarily became my patients are able to get appointments quickly and I have always received positive feedback from my patient’s on your chair-side manner. I think providing cores and post-spaces as part of your treatment planning is a great idea as this significantly reduces the risk of infection post treatment. Your opinion and advice prior to undertaking referrals has been invaluable. Also staff at my practice will be using your service as the need arises.
Dr Abdul Ghafoor
Frankel Dental Care feels very confident in the service provided by Imran Azam. The dentist’s find the advice and feedback received from yourself is very useful for any future treatment that may need to be carried out by them. The patient’s feedback has been very positive. We would highly recommend you to any future patients.
Caroline Wise
I have been referring my complex endodontic cases to Imran Azam for the past three years. His skills as an endodontist are exceptional. Patient’s feedback has always been excellent, with many patients commenting on his professionalism and also on his ability to explain procedures prior to committing to treatment. I refer all my complex and difficult endodontic cases to Dr Azam.
Dr Gary Fossey
I have great confidence in referring my patients for root canal treatment to Imran. You can be rest assured your patients will receive the highest quality treatment whilst ensuring it is a pleasant experience for them. Imran is friendly and professional; you will be kept up to date of treatment progress in report form which is both detailed and clear. All my patients have been very happy with the treatment they have received from Imran and I would not hesitate to recommend him to other GDP's.